24 Things worth exploring in 2024

Remember: The first step to change your life is to understand there are no steps at all!

There are no steps at all!

Hey everyone!

Here are 24 things I find worth exploring in the year 2024 (and beyond, why not!):

  1. Devices deserve dust. Throw your phone across the room; there’s no use in working your thumb mindlessly. Let your devices rest, gather dust, and maybe even rot in a drawer or somewhere else. Allow your brain and pocket to feel lighter.
  2. Make lists on paper. I love lists. Who doesn’t? Lists make everything organized if not easier. Going to the market? Make a list. Going to the bookstore? Make a list. This time on paper.
  3. Change the way you talk to yourself. Either don’t, or if you do, say something worth hearing.
  4. Crack jokes, even if they’re bad. It’ll teach you how to laugh at yourself.
  5. Avoid gossip. Make fun of yourself in groups, and know when and how to speak up for what is right.
  6. You are what you eat. Change what you eat slightly every other day, week, or month.
  7. Play chess more often.
  8. Sit and write whatever comes naturally. In any language, it doesn’t matter.
  9. Visit art galleries.
  10. Breathe. Realize you can’t do everything, but do something.
  11. Talk to strangers. Ask them their name. Discuss random things, etc.
  13. Surround yourself with both good and bad books. Visit bookstores, libraries, and fairs. Explore what other people are reading on GoodReads. Don’t shy away from reading bad books too.
  14. Talk to people about what you are reading.
  15. Read multiple books at a time. Always keep a pile of new books ready before you finish one.
  16. I will not finish books I don’t like.
  17. Create stuff using whatever resources you have.
  18. Associate yourself with people who inspire you. Associations can be virtual as well.
  19. Practice saying “It is not for me.” Banish certain things/people and do not be afraid to do so.
  20. Make papercrafts or crafts in whatever form you can.
  21. Sit without a person/object for at least 15 minutes a day. Look inside yourself.
  22. Without music, there is no life. “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music,” said Aldous Huxley.
  23. Start solving problems around yourself. It could be as basic as learning how to fix your computer or repairing broken objects around you. (And it was not a taunt on you!)
  24. PLAY more BADMINTON this year.

Thank you for reading my tiresome list. Hope you make many mistakes this year and have fun!

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