
Emptiness Illustration by Kabir Sehgal

Emptiness – Illustration inspired by Hood Finch (David Finch).

I really love Hood Finch’s work because
A) It is surprising. Not predictable.
B) Makes you laugh every time. You get to see everyday things from a different perspectives.

I’m trying to pick up some of those traits.
It is hard to draw, if you are drawing to gain something. Drawing is like trying to tickle yourself for cash—it just doesn’t work that well! Creativity flows best when it’s fueled by passion, not a paycheck.

Imagine Picasso doodling for dollars or Van Gogh saying, ‘I’ll paint this starry night, but only if you pay me first!’ Nope, art’s like a wild cat—it doesn’t come to you if you’re too desperate. So, draw for the love of squiggles and the joy of making paper your playground. That’s when the real magic happens, and who knows, maybe the universe will reward you with a cookie or two for your efforts!

As far as emptiness is concerned even though the glass feels empty, you are filled with stuff not yet created. Go MAKE MORE stuff.

And always remember

“Creativity is not a talent.
It’s a way of operating.”

-John Cleese

You can watch the whole speech by John Cleese here.

Maybe this will start some meaningful conversations and spark creativity around us.

In the words of Elvis Presley I would like to say Thank you very much.

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