Disclaimer: All advice is autobiographical. Do not take anything seriously because I don’t have any idea what I am doing.
1) The Episode
WELCOME to another episode of Fundoo Fundaaz, where I share my perspectives on art, business and creativity
Problem: I am stuck…
When you were a kid, you
Listen to me: Talk about the problem: “I am stuck.”
The reason I get distracted or leave projects unfinished most of the time:
a) I see something shiny, and ‘that lady in the red dress’ catches my attention. I drop that thing, which I was supposed to do, and hop to another only to do the same after that.
b) I don’t know how to manage my own expectations. I desire a certain outcome, and if I don’t see that coming at the time I want it, I drop that thing and get distracted.
c) Taking too much, trying to do a lot of things at once (I’ll not talk about that in this one)
The Solution (in summary): It should become an integral part of your identity that you are a person who does this or do that. You should feel cheated when you break that promise you made to yourself. Otherwise, the stuff is simply not that important for you, I guess…
@kabirsehgalart on YouTube
If you don't get what you want, it simply means you don't deserve it yet
2) What am I working on
3) Favourite Quote of the Week
‘We question all of our beliefs, except for the ones we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
— Orson Scott Card”
That’s it for this week,
See you in the next one 🙂