The End.

I’ve got something to share,
A tale about the end.

It’s not just a stop, but a grand start,
A shift to something brand new, playing its part.
No need for losing or winning the race,
Just a change of perspective, a shift in space.

Listen to the melodies that come and go,
And in the quiet, a glimpse of ‘I’ does show.
Death, a great motivator, an inspiration so vast,
Yet, we fear it, uncertain of its blast.

Embrace it as an invitation, a joyous ride,
A journey where fear and worry subside.
Gain a moment, lose a sigh,
In the pause, you’ll find the beauty of goodbye.

Stop, wait, try, and turn,
See what you missed, the end, eager to discern.
Did I hear something? Oh, it’s just a friend,
Now you know, everything ends, except the end.

– Kabir Sehgal

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