My Reading Year, 2023

I (fully) read 11 books this year.

In this particular order… (P.S. thank you so much Austin Kleon)

Austin Kleon, Show Your Work!

It says, 10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered, but what it should actually say is, 10 ways to open your mind and discover new possibilities.

Honestly, the yellow attracted me at first. I have read it multiple times, carried it in college, commute, everywhere. I still pick it up and go through the pages and what I scribbled all over it. This blog exists because of this book.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

The name says it all! Top of the game, Dale Carnegie is another name of Self-improvement. Great book. While reading it, I came across a piece, Father Forgets by W. Livingston Larned, and it was the most touching thing I have read so far. If not for the whole book, just read that piece. I strongly recommend.

Austin Kleon, Steal Like An Artist

Clearly I was not over Austin Kleon yet, hungry for more I picked it up and and ‘Keep Going’ as well. Great for anyone who wants to know what creativity is . And you can see a reflection of this book all around my blog.

Paul Millerd, The Pathless Path

A must read for those who are brave enough to question their life choices, and can keep an open mind otherwise this book will annoy you and shatter your beliefs.

Austin Kleon, Keep Going

A timeless book that makes you go ” Oh, I needed this! Thank you so much.” everytime you read it. It is all the current and future works of Austin Kleon combined and continued.

Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money

A must read ASAP. If money concerns you (obviously, otherwise why would you be here?), you should not miss even a single page of this book. I will read it again next year.

Dr. Spencer Johnson, Who Moved My Cheese?

One of my all-time favourites. I am sure you will love it too!

Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism

A must read for everyone, especially youngsters. And gift it to everyone you care about, I am sure they will thank you.

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Once you start reading it, you won’t stop until you finish it!

George Orwell, Animal Farm

It will make you wonder, imagine, laugh, laugh a lot, think and think a lot.

I had a pocket edition with me and carried it everywhere.

S. Sadhika, one with you

Beautiful collection of poems I keep going back to. I am glad I had this book with me and got to end my year with it!

I would love to hear about your favorite book(s). Feel free to send me recommendations on twitter: @Kabir__Sehgal. Tag/DM. You can also reach out to me through email [email protected]

Happy New Year!

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